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Smudging with the yerba santa herb is believed to offer numerous benefits, particularly for emotional and spiritual well-being. Known as the "holy herb", yerba santa is traditionally used by Indigenous cultures to promote healing, purification, and protection. When burned, it releases a pleasant, uplifting aroma that can help clear negative energy, promote self-love, and encourage emotional release. It's often used in rituals to support healing from grief, enhance meditation, and foster a sense of inner strength. Yerba Santa can be helpful in releasing emotional pain or grief stored in the heart chakra. Additionally, yerba santa is thought to support respiratory health, making it a versatile herb in smudging practices. .


Origin: Southwest USA

4" stick.

Yerba Santa Smudge Stick

  • Smudging, energy clearing & incense burning have been used in many traditions throughout time around the globe. These practices have been used to create a sacred space for prayer, intention setting, celebrating lunar cycles, embracing the change in seasons, infusing good juju in a new living space, purification of negative energies & offering that "fresh start" feeling. No matter your background, everyone can benefit from a good energy cleansing from time to time.

    Important tips:

    1) Clear your mind & get centered.

    2) Be mindful of what you want to rid & what you want to invite in.

    3) Create a small alter or gather relics, crystals, stones, jewelry or any other objects that are symbols of good luck, health & abundance.

    4) If you have a mantra or affirmation that resonates for this particular cleansing, use it. If not, you can always create one centered around the intentions of the practice.

    5) Ask for guidance from ancestors if that feels right.



    1) Have a small plate on hand to catch any ash during the smudging. (Many people like to use abalone or a large seashell.)

    2) Crack a window or door for better ventilation. Or leave them closed until you are finished with the ritual, but make sure to open several windows immediately afterward to release the negative energy and welcome the fresh new energy in.

    3) Light the end of your yerba santa bundle for 15-20 seconds, rotating it to allow for a nice ember to take hold. You may need to gently blow of the ember from time to time to keep lit.

    4) Start in the most important room or high traffic area. Walk the parameter of the room, gently wafting the sacred smoke into the corners or the room. Mantras, blessings, prayers or intentions are welcome at this time. Have the plate handy, to catch embers if needed.

    5) You may have to re-light the sage from time to time, this is normal.

    6) Move on to the next room or area & repeat steps 1-5.

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